The Story About Us



A rabbits tale

The Journey

Founded at the dawn of 2020, a time when the world grappled with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, rabbitAI emerged with a mission to address a fundamental challenge in the machine learning journey: the lack of data. We recognized that every machine learning endeavor begins with a data deficit, and we set out to bridge that gap.

The Founding

Our story began at the Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (HCI) during our founders’ Ph.D. phase. It was here, amidst the intellectual hustle and the casual games of table football, that our founders, two physicists and a computer scientist, envisioned a future where high-quality image processing would revolutionize industries. With the support of an EXIST Research Transfer grant, our vision of superior image processing came to life.


Today, our daily business is capturing scenes using our proprietary light field setup, from which we create ultra-realistic 3D models. These models, combined with our knowledge of lighting and shadow, allow us to produce training data that mimics real-world scenarios. This not only aids in the training of AI systems but also helps in optimizing rare edge and corner cases.

Our Mission

Improving machine learning by providing reliable training data

Company Values

Our day-to-day work is shaped by appreciation, openness and curiosity.
These values are of course also reflected in our corporate values.


Kindness, Openness and Honesty

We ensure understanding, appreciative communication and create transparency. This enables a workplace where everyone feels valued, heard and respected.


Keep Learning

By continuous learning and experimentation, we encourage our personal and professional growth. We remain curious about innovative ideas. This ensures agility in our dynamic work environment.


Hoppin’ Together for Success

The power of the individual leads to collective success. Each member of our team has unique skills and perspectives. By empowering each other to use these talents, we can achieve collective success.


Sharp Minds & Results

We consist of sharp minds in data analytics and problem-solving. Underlying our passion for precision and accuracy is the determination to achieve top results. Our goal is perfect data preparation for our clients.



Humour is our essential part of innovation. We know how important it is to learn from mistakes and deal with them with humorous lightness. Every rabbit is encouraged to live out their curiosity, creativity and joy of experimentation.


Let’s get in Touch!

To evalute the possibilities of cooperating simply book an appointment. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Do you want to work in a smart and nerdy team?

In our dynamic startup environment, daily business means fast coordination, short iteration cycles and a lot of fun. We are looking for computer vision professionals who are passionate about their craft and are open for non-tech talents too. Explore the opportunities on our careers page.