No need for multiple data captures. With rabbitAI, you can adjust perspectives, resolutions, and camera settings from a single capture, saving time and maximizing efficiency.
Try It NowWe generate your video for the first time. This may take a few minutes. Once the video is ready, you can access it anytime by specifying the same parameters.
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Our technology lets you capture high-quality real-world data once and reuse it for different camera setups. Whether you're shifting the perspective, changing the resolution, or modifying camera settings, the data stays highly accurate and flexible for AI training.
After the initial data capture, our system generates ground truth data that can be reconfigured based on various camera parameters. Everything is built on our highly accurate depth data, which must be captured using our proprietary technology. We support you throughout the integration and execution process, ensuring a seamless setup. This flexibility allows you to experiment with different settings without wasting time on repeated data collection.
Tell us about your project and we will find the best solution for your needs.